On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Scott Scecina wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm running into the:
> > Syntax error on line 1022 of c:/program files/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
> > Cannot load c:/program files/apache/modules/mod_perl.so into server: (126)
> The specified module could not be found:
> problem on NT 4 when trying to run Apache/mod_perl as a service.
> (see: http://www.geocrawler.com/archives/3/182/2001/8/50/6508119/)
> I have verified that my Apache/modperl/perl versions match, and that I have
> "c:\perl\bin" in the System PATH, however, I suspect that NT doesn't setup
> those variables for services?  I don't have this problem on Win2k.
> Has anyone solved this problem?  Is there anyway to tell mod_perl where perl
> is without using the PATH variable?

Is it a problem just as a service, or does the same thing
occur running Apache from the console?

Does it help if you add, in httpd.conf, the directive
   LoadFile "C:/Path/to/Perl/bin/perl56.dll"
before loading mod_perl.so?

best regards,
randy kobes

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