Hann, Brian wrote:
> I'm having a problem with a fairly simple handler eating up resources
> and I'm wondering if there's any easy way to track it down.
> The handler fetches data from an Oracle database and displays it
> using Template-Toolkit. Nothing fancy, just some display logic, etc.
> The thing is, when I try to show all 8000 records the process spirals
> upwards towards 500M and it has to be killed. With smaller amounts
> of records (~100-1000), the process STILL grows by several megs.
> There really isn't that much data going through other than the sheer
> amount of records so I'm wondering what's eating the resources.

When storing lots of small records in Perl the overhead of the data management is very big. You can check the real memory usage with B::Size (which can be conveniently invoked via Apache::Status). See http://perl.apache.org/ for some examples.

Consider using some other way to represent data in your perl code (e.g. dbm files). Also see the list archives for similar discussions.

Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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