I'm attempting to run Scoop 0.9 (scoop.kuro5hin.org) under Apache2/mod_perl
2.0 running on Windows 2000, but the application was written for Apache/mp
1.x, so it uses Apache::SIG (and possibly other) modules that are no longer
in mod_perl.  

The mod_perl developer documentation for porting from 1.x to 2.x doesn't
really cover the missing modules, other than to say you can use
Apache::compat to allow use of deprecated methods. This doesn't do the job
here, which makes sense because the SIG module isn't even installed on my
system. Is there any resource that discusses the changes between mod_perl
1.x and 2.x in more detail than the current developer document? The key
point here is what has been deprecated/removed/rearchitected in mod_perl
2.x? and how do I replace it?

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