Nate Campi wrote:
On Sat, Dec 14, 2002 at 04:50:25AM +0100, Axel Andersson wrote:

Hi everyone,
I would like to ask you how big your mod_perl enabled (v1) httpd's grow. I'm using a homegrown publication system based on Template Toolkit that delivers about 2000 Perl pages daily. After the first page load, the daemons consume around 7 MB of RAM each, but after 24 hours they've grown to something around 12 MB, with a record-holder of 16 MB.

To me this seems like quite a lot, but I would like to get some numbers from other people as to what's normal.
My server gets around 2000 hits per day, and the httpd's are between 15 and 17M. To keep memory consumption to a minimum though, I follow the recommended configuration of running a reverse proxy in front of my heavy-weight mod_perl Apache. In this configuration, I have squid handle about 10 requests per single request that hits my mod_perl server, freeing up memory and CPU on both my Apache and database servers, while increasing percieved performance.

AFAIK, Mandrake's stock Apache comes configured to do this quite well.

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