On Sat, Dec 14, 2002 at 04:50:25AM +0100, Axel Andersson wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I would like to ask you how big your mod_perl enabled (v1) httpd's 
> grow. I'm using a homegrown publication system based on Template 
> Toolkit that delivers about 2000 Perl pages daily. After the first page 
> load, the daemons consume around 7 MB of RAM each, but after 24 hours 
> they've grown to something around 12 MB, with a record-holder of 16 MB.

19019 http       9   0 19844  14M  3884 S     3.9  0.7   0:13 apache.perl.new
19419 http       9   0 19852  15M  4388 S     2.6  0.7   0:14 apache.perl.new
19513 http       9   0 19276  13M  3860 S     2.6  0.6   0:13 apache.perl.new
19277 http       9   0 19360  14M  4144 S     2.1  0.7   0:16 apache.perl.new
19282 http       9   0 19456  14M  4052 S     2.1  0.7   0:13 apache.perl.new
19285 http       9   0 19332  14M  4048 S     2.1  0.6   0:15 apache.perl.new

They do about 600000 dynamic pages / day.

> To me this seems like quite a lot, but I would like to get some numbers 
> from other people as to what's normal.

Nothing weird there.

> Thanks in advance,
> Axel Andersson

                                The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (76% of Full)

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