When I use perl from the command line, my @INC is this:

$ perl -e"print join(':', @INC)"

When I print @INC from a mod_perl script, it is this:


How did this happen? Why does my command line perl use i386-linux,
while my mod_perl uses i686-linux?

My problem is, any modules I install go into i386-linux. They're not
accessible to mod_perl. I need to install a new module for my site but
I can't access it in mod_perl.

I've tried adding "use lib qw(/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux);" in
startup.pl, but then it makes Apache not start at all:

/usr/local/perlhttpd/bin/httpd: relocation error: 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux/auto/Data/Dumper/Dumper.so: undefined symbol: 
/home/mirror/bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

Any idea what's going on here?

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