I've placed a self-extracting archive, Perl-5.8-win32-bin.exe,
at ftp://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/pub/other/, which contains a Win32
binary distribution of Perl-5.8 and Apache-2.0.43, including
mod_perl-1.99_08. This was built using the sources provided by
ActiveState for build 804, and as such, ppm packages installed
via the included ppm utility from ActiveState's 5.8 repository
can be used.
   Two README files, a short and a long one, describe the
installation. An (experimental) script is included in the Perl
bin/ directory which automates some of the needed configuration
(manual checking is still advised).
  Included in the Apache2 distribution are a sample
ModPerl::Registry script, a simple mod_perl-2 handler, and sample
Apache::ASP and HTML::Mason pages. An Emberl ppm package will be
made when available.
  Please let me know of any problems you encounter in the
installation, especially as related to the configuration. For
questions about mod_perl-2, this list and http://perl.apache.org/
are great resources, while for Embperl, Apache::ASP, or
HTML::Mason specifically, see their respective sites and lists.

best regards,
randy kobes

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