See It is info on the Perl Module CGI::Session. Tom
Mrs. Brisby wrote:
There are many solutions to your problem that are perl specific and some--
minor twists that are mod_perl specific. You may have better luck using
a perl-oriented mailing list for this topic, or read up on how HTTP
works and all the various places that you can store session information
(query string, path information, the hostname, cookies, etc), and decide
how much data you need to save and where you need to save it. If you
then decide that the _best_ place to do this requires mod_perl (btw:
none of the places I just suggested technically require it) then come
back and we can tell you how to accomplish that.
On Mon, 2002-12-30 at 04:46, koudjo ametepe wrote:
hi everbody , How do you do I developping an intranet project with perl and Mysql . I encounter a problem and still i haven't found a solution .The problem
is previously i was using php/mysql ; with the function sesssion_xxx i was
able to keep user id through all the pages and store it any time that
the user save something in the database . Umfortunately i don't know how to do this with perl , i read some
articles on the net about it but i get nothing. Please can you give me some ideas about the session managing in
perl/mysql thanks koudjo
Terra Novum Research
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PO Box 362
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Nothing's so cold as closing the heart when all we need is to free the soul, but we wouldn't be that brave I know.
- Glenn Philips