Oops, typo in my comment

On Sunday, January 5, 2003, at 07:25  AM, John Heitmann wrote:
$r->pnotes("lemming" => undef) if 0; #if 1 then destroy is never called
That should be "# if 0 then DESTROY is never called."

I've tracked it down further. When I run http://server_name:8080/index.pl the problem does not occur. When I run http://server_name:8080/ with mod_dir set to automatically run index.pl, then the problem occurs. Here is a really pared down httpd.conf file that is the smallest example I can generate:

# Start
AddModule mod_mime.c
AddModule mod_dir.c
AddModule mod_perl.c

DirectoryIndex index.pl

DocumentRoot /tmp/web_directory

<Directory /tmp/web_directory>
AddHandler perl-script .pl
PerlHandler Apache::Registry

# Site specific stuff here for completeness but greeked out
User me
PidFile /tmp/me.httpd.pid
Listen 8080

# This just loads Apache::Registry, DBI and DBD::mysql
PerlRequire /tmp/lib/startup.pl

# End

That httpd.conf combined with the code in the previous mail placed in a file named "index.pl" and placed in /tmp/web_directory/ will exhibit the problem nicely. I see nothing in the list archives or web site about mod_dir or DirectoryIndex.



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