John Heitmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> DirectoryIndex
> DocumentRoot /tmp/web_directory
> <Directory /tmp/web_directory>
>      AddHandler perl-script .pl
>      PerlHandler Apache::Registry
> </Directory>


> That httpd.conf combined with the code in the previous mail placed in 
> a file named "" and placed in /tmp/web_directory/ will exhibit 
> the problem nicely. I see nothing in the list archives or web site 
> about mod_dir or DirectoryIndex.

mod_dir does an internal redirect, which creates a new request_rec
struct and a new request_config.  I *think* the problem is that when 
mod_perl runs its cleanup handler, it runs on the *original* 
request_rec + request_config, which doesn't have the new pnotes.
So they never get cleaned up by mod_perl's per_request_cleanup().

This might be a bug within apache itself.
Joe Schaefer

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