On Wed, 8 Jan 2003, Perrin Harkins wrote:

I am planning to submit a proposal for a introduction talk on MVC in
a web environment.

It is mostly talking about why (seperation of concerns etc) it's
(sometimes) nicer than whatever you used to do and how you apply the
goals to the actual implementation.  In 90 minutes I think I can
also go briefly into examples of actual models, controllers and
templates.  I think it could also be a tutorial[1], but tutorials
bore me so much.  So I don't think I'd want to do that.

Like Perrin I would like feedback on the idea before putting in my


 - ask

[1] Except then I would have to write many more slides; I already
have a ~70 minutes talk about it with slides, illustrations and all
sorts of things.  :-)

ask bjoern hansen, http://www.askbjoernhansen.com/ !try; do();

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