
                          mod_perl digest
                December 30, 2002 - January 19, 2003


Recent happenings in the mod_perl world...


  o mod_perl status
  o module announcements
  o available mod_perlers
  o mailing list highlights
  o conferences
  o links

mod_perl status

  o mod_perl
    - stable: 1.27 (released June 1, 2002) [1]
    - development: 1.27_01-dev [2]
  o Apache
    - stable: 1.3.27 (released October 3, 2002) [3]
    - development: 1.3.28-dev [4]
  o mod_perl 2.0
    - beta: 1.99_08 (released January 10, 2002) [5]
    - development: (from cvs) [6]
  o Apache 2.0
    - stable: 2.0.44 (released January 18, 2003) [7]
  o Perl
    - stable: 5.8.0 (released July 18, 2002) [8]
    - development: none [9]

module announcements

  o Apache::CompressClientFixup 0.05 - Used with Apache::Dynagzip to
    avoid compression for some buggy clients [10]

  o Apache::DBI 0.90_02 - Development release of Apache::DBI that
    works with mod_perl 2.0 [11]

  o Apache::Dynagzip 0.09 - Dynamic gzip compression of outbound
    stream [12]

  o Bricolage 1.4.6 - Enterprise content management system [13]

  o Bricolage Devel 1.5.0 - Development version of Bricolage [14]

module rfcs

  o Modules to create dynamic websites [15]

mailing list highlights

  o New version of mod_perl (1.99_08) [16]

  o OSCon ideas (and other related thoughts) [17]
      + MVC talk [18]
      + missing proceedings [19]

  o Development techniques - anything more advanced than `print' and
    `tail'? [20]

  o Load balancers [21]

  o Bricolage on _Online Tonight_ [22]


  o OsCON 2003 Call for Proposals [23]

  o YAPC::NA Call for Proposals [24]

  o The Apache/Perl Integration Project [25]
  o mod_perl documentation [26]
  o Apache modules on CPAN [27]
  o _Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C_ homepage [28]
  o _mod_perl Developer's Cookbook_ homepage [29]
  o Other mod_perl-related books [30]
  o mod_perl news and advocacy [31]
  o mod_perl list archives
      - modperl@ [32]
      - dev@ [33]
      - docs-dev@ [34]
      - advocacy@ [35]

happy mod_perling...


[1] http://perl.apache.org/dist/
[2] http://cvs.apache.org/snapshots/modperl/
[3] http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/
[4] http://cvs.apache.org/snapshots/apache-1.3/
[5] http://perl.apache.org/dist/mod_perl-1.99_04.tar.gz
[6] http://cvs.apache.org/snapshots/modperl-2.0/
[7] http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/
[8] http://www.cpan.org/src/stable.tar.gz
[9] http://www.cpan.org/src/README.html

[10] http://mathforum.org/epigone/modperl/swyrzhixkhax
[11] http://mathforum.org/epigone/modperl/wonfoisperd
[12] http://mathforum.org/epigone/modperl/rehspeufroi
[13] http://mathforum.org/epigone/modperl/veetroysnah
[14] http://mathforum.org/epigone/modperl/tromghandthong

[15] http://mathforum.org/epigone/modperl/clayvexblil

[16] http://mathforum.org/epigone/modperl/yungsliwand
[17] http://mathforum.org/epigone/modperl/clonwoythah
[18] http://mathforum.org/epigone/modperl/toyspixgrox
[19] http://mathforum.org/epigone/modperl/lenphembril
[10] http://mathforum.org/epigone/modperl/whamfrankhil
[21] http://mathforum.org/epigone/modperl/wheiremwom
[22] http://mathforum.org/epigone/modperl/clelsheldrau

[23] http://conferences.oreillynet.com/os2003/
[24] http://www.yapc.org/America/index.shtml

[25] http://perl.apache.org/
[26] http://perl.apache.org/docs/
[27] http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/Apache/
[28] http://www.modperl.com/
[29] http://www.modperlcookbook.org/
[30] http://perl.apache.org/docs/offsite/books.html
[31] http://www.take23.org/
[32] http://perl.apache.org/maillist/modperl.html#Searchable_Archives
[33] http://perl.apache.org/maillist/dev.html#Searchable_Archives
[34] http://perl.apache.org/maillist/docs-dev.html#Searchable_Archives
[35] http://perl.apache.org/maillist/advocacy.html#Searchable_Archives

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