Hi Chris,

are you shure that is is the Apache::DBI, that needs the Apache::Constants
or is it another module?
For me Apache::DBI loads without problems (2.044/1.9908/5.8) even without the
"use compat();" compatibility layer.


--On Friday, February 14, 2003 09:00:31 -0500 Chris Faust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


My problem seems like one that would be well documented, but I can't find
anything in any of the docs and even goggle groups only had one message
and the solution didn't relate.

Anyway, I've updated to RedHat 8.0 and Apache 2.0.44 with Mod_Perl 1.99.08
and if I try to use Apache::DBI I receive the error of:

Can't locate Apache/Constants.pm in @INC ....

I've learned in mod_perl 2 that Apache::Constants was replaced by 3 new
classes (Apache::Const,APR::Const,Modperl::Const).

But what do I do to get Apache::DBI to work?
Am I missing something really simple here (I hope)?


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