Beau E. Cox wrote:
Hi -

I just upgraded to Apache 2.0.44 (source) and mod_perl-1.99-09-dev
(CVS source) on my SuSE 8.1 test server. All test scripts completed
OK. I am omitting the details of my configuration - will supply them
if anyone thinks this problem is related to them.

As I have with prior installations, I am tip-toeing through the
tests until my server is completely up to date (+mason, +mod_ssl,
+lots of vhosts, etc.).

To start, I set my httpd.conf as per the mod_perl docs:

LoadModule perl_module /srv/www/modules/
PerlRequire "/srv/www/conf/"

Alias /perl/ /srv/www/perl/
<Location /perl/>
      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
      PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
      Options +ExecCGI

And wrote the test script in /srv/www/perl/rocks.html (with
the proper permissions/ownership):

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<h3>mod_perl 2.0 rocks!</h3>\n";

Browsing to localhost/perl/rocks.html gives:

Content-type: text/html

mod_perl 2.0 rocks!

(with the second line emboldened to h3). The
view->source shows:

Content-type: text/html

<h3>mod_perl 2.0 rocks!</h3>

Question: why isn't my 'Content-type' line output as a HTTP header?

Good catch, Beau. I broke the header parsing in one of the recent commits.
Apparently relying on content_type not being set before the response handler was a bad bet. the default mime handler probably sets it since the file is called .html, whereas all our registry tests are .pl, which the mime handler doesn't know what to do with and therefore sets no content_type() do they weren't catching the problem.

I'll fix that in a few days, since what I was trying to do is to solve some other more complicated problems. So it requires a good thinking how to solve them in a different way. So please bear with me. I want to finish first the update of the filters tutorial, and then will be back to fixing things.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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