
I've looked through the mod_rewrite and Guide documentation and can't seem
find an answer for this, but feel free to point me at TFM to R if I just
missed it.

I have an Apache with many VirtualHosts, and I want to setup proxying so
that a lightweight frontend Apache with mod_rewrite/mod_proxy proxies
Apache::Registry script requests back to a heavyweight backend Apache
running on a localhost-only port.

I want to simplify my configuration in two ways. I'd prefer not to
maintain two sets of VirtualHost configuration data, and I'd like it if
the block that proxies .pl files to the backend proxy not be replicated
per VirtualHost.

The conceptual behavior I want, is for <FilesMatch "\.pl$"> to be proxied
by the backend server, and everything else by the frontend. I've tried
many combinations which don't work, which I can post if it's relevant...
it seems that having a map outside of <VirtualHost> blocks doesn't work (I
get a GET /real/path/on/filesystem/to/foo.pl HTTP/1.0 on the backend) and
that requests with path_info don't work.

Does anybody have a pointer to a setup that looks like this?

Thanks in advance!



Andrew Ho               http://www.tellme.com/       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Engineer                    1-800-555-TELL          Voice 650-930-9062
Tellme Networks, Inc.                                 Fax 650-930-9101

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