On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Andrew Ho wrote:

> I want to simplify my configuration in two ways. I'd prefer not to
> maintain two sets of VirtualHost configuration data, and I'd like it if
> the block that proxies .pl files to the backend proxy not be replicated
> per VirtualHost.

With the details you provided the best advice, as others have given,
is mod_macro or making the httpd.conf from a template.  I usually do
the latter.

If you added more details, for example a sample httpd.conf for the
proxy and the backend it would be easier to help.

Do you use 2.0 for the proxy?
is often helpful.

"RewriteOptions inherit" might also help simplify your configuration.

> The conceptual behavior I want, is for <FilesMatch "\.pl$"> to be proxied
> by the backend server, and everything else by the frontend. I've tried
> many combinations which don't work, which I can post if it's relevant...

Please do.  :-)

> Does anybody have a pointer to a setup that looks like this?

Maybe I am completely misunderstanding the problem, but a guess
would be something like the following in the proxy:

ProxyPreserveHost yes
RewriteRule ^/(.*\.pl) http://localhost:1234/$1 [P]

<virtualhost _default_>
  ServerName foo.example.com
  RewriteEngine  on
  RewriteOptions inherit

<virtualhost _default_>

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