This brings up a good point, is there a list of 'ModPerl Orphans' anywhere? For the most part I would imagine that a modules author/maintainer will manage the transition to mp2 but there must be a ton of modules that are Orphans with little hope of making it over unless some kind developer makes it happen.

It would be pretty great if there was a list and people could start taking responsibility for the tasks to avoid duplicate work as well as to guide folks who have time to contribute and are not sure where to start.

Lame suggestion most likely. I was just thinking 'I would like to try to port something but where to start....'

If there is interest in this I can put up a page for this sort of thing and send email out to all of the existing authors, hunting for orphans to post.


On Mon, 10 Mar 2003 12:31:05 -0800 (PST)
 Nick Tonkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Another option would be for you to port Apache::Filter to run under mp2.
Then your code as well as anyone else's who uses that module would run
unchanged under mp2. That would be a Good Thing and you'd be a mod_perl
hero. People on this list would help if you got stuck, and the
documentation for porting is getting quite extensive.

This doc: is
what you want.

Good luck,

- nick


Nick Tonkin   {|8^)>

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