    Somehow I managed to completely miss your reply to my question until
just now I tried googling for a solution to my problem and saw your reply.

> Yes.  See

This is happening when I first start the server, apachectl start, httpd -X
.. they all cause half of my <perl> section to be processed twice.. or at
least MOD_PERL_TRACE shows half the configuration directives being set twice
even though they only appear once.
    I thought I had fixed it after upgrading from 5.6.1 to 5.8 but alas I
was temporarily tricked :(

print STDERR "Server is Starting\n"   if $Apache::Server::Starting;
print STDERR "Server is ReStarting\n" if $Apache::Server::ReStarting;

Sticking this code in my <perl> section only results in the first line being

> I don't use <Perl> sections, so I've never had this problem before, but
> it seems strange that this should trigger complaints from something like
> setting a virtual host.  Maybe you should clear the virtual host
> settings at the top of your <Perl> code.

I never used them until I had a brainwave that I could centralise my site
configuration by moving all my different server settings into a database and
autogenerating the config based on where apache was being booted from..

My problem can be shown using a completely minimal configuration file so I'm
sure someone else must have come across this before or at least there must
be some caveat I have overlooked in the documentation.

The vhost clash doesn't actually stop anything working.. at least not now..
at the start apache just refused to serve anything, now it all works apart
from the bombardment of "this vhost overlaps with that vhosts" messages at
the start.


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