On Yesterday at 11:17am, SB=>Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

SB> Is it possible that you have an old install and it gets loaded
SB> instead? Can you try nuking any preinstalled mod_perl libs?

Hi Stas,

This will be a long email (I think you're probably used to looking at long 
emails already :-). Thanks for your helpful suggestions and 
wonderful support again.

I have made some progress and here are my findings.

Here's what I did. Based upon your suspicion that the tests were failing 
because of some preinstalled mod_perl libs (true: the system had mod_perl 
1.99_08 installed), I did a local perl install:

1. Installed xstow to make life easier when installing/removing files
2. Installed perl in ~/stow/perl-5.8.0
3. Compiled mod_perl against locally installed perl

Experience with 1.99_09:
In the first batch of test, I had one failure for filter/in_bbs_msg.t. 

------------------ begin -----------------------------
filter/in_bbs_msg....# connecting to localhost.localdomain:8535
server side has failed (response code: 404),
see t/logs/error_log for more details
        Test returned status 29 (wstat 7424, 0x1d00)
*** server localhost.localdomain:8529 shutdown
!!! error running tests (please examine t/logs/error_log)
------------------ end   -----------------------------

Running "t/TEST -verbose filter/in_bbs_msg.t", I got the following from 

------------------ begin -----------------------------
[Thu Jun 05 10:10:40 2003] [error] [client] File does not exist: 
------------------ end   -----------------------------

Experience with 1.99_10-dev (up to date with CVS till yesterday):

The first batch of tests passes 100%, so the filter/in_bbs_msg.t from 
1.99_09 is fixed. However, ModPerl-Registry tests fail with:

Failed Test      Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
redirect.t                      2    2 100.00%  1-2
special_blocks.t               12    2  16.67%  6 10

Running "t/TEST -verbose redirect.t special_blocks.t" gave me the 
following output:

------------------ begin -----------------------------
/servers/httpd-2.0.44-pl/bin/httpd  -d 
/home/haroon/src/build/modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/t -f 
using Apache/2.0.44 (prefork MPM)

waiting for server to start: .....
waiting for server to start: ok (waited 3 secs)
server localhost.localdomain:8529 started
# testing : test redirect: existing target
# expected: ok
# received: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
# <html><head>
# <title>302 Found</title>
# </head><body>
# <h1>Found</h1>
# <p>The document has moved <a 
# </body></html>
not ok 1
# Failed test 1 in redirect.t at line 16
# testing : test redirect: non-existing target
# expected: 404
# received: 302
not ok 2
# Failed test 2 in redirect.t at line 27
FAILED tests 1-2
        Failed 2/2 tests, 0.00% okay
# testing : ModPerl::PerlRun is running BEGIN blocks on the first req
# expected: begin ok
# received: begin ok
ok 1
# testing : ModPerl::PerlRun is running BEGIN blocks on the second req
# expected: begin ok
# received: begin ok
ok 2
# testing : ModPerl::PerlRun is running END blocks on the first req
# expected: end ok
# received: end ok
ok 3
# testing : ModPerl::PerlRun is running END blocks on the second req
# expected: end ok
# received: end ok
ok 4
# testing : ModPerl::Registry is running BEGIN blocks on the first req
# expected: begin ok
# received: begin ok
ok 5
# testing : ModPerl::Registry is not running BEGIN blocks on the second 
# expected: 
# received: undef
not ok 6
# Failed test 6 in special_blocks.t at line 70
# testing : ModPerl::Registry is running END blocks on the first req
# expected: end ok
# received: end ok
ok 7
# testing : ModPerl::Registry is running END blocks on the second req
# expected: end ok
# received: end ok
ok 8
# testing : ModPerl::RegistryBB is running BEGIN blocks on the first req
# expected: begin ok
# received: begin ok
ok 9
# testing : ModPerl::RegistryBB is not running BEGIN blocks on the second 
# expected: 
# received: undef
not ok 10
# Failed test 10 in special_blocks.t at line 70 fail #2
# testing : ModPerl::RegistryBB is running END blocks on the first req
# expected: end ok
# received: end ok
ok 11
# testing : ModPerl::RegistryBB is running END blocks on the second req
# expected: end ok
# received: end ok
ok 12
FAILED tests 6, 10
        Failed 2/12 tests, 83.33% okay
Failed Test      Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
redirect.t                      2    2 100.00%  1-2
special_blocks.t               12    2  16.67%  6 10
*** server localhost.localdomain:8529 shutdown
!!! error running tests (please examine t/logs/error_log)

there's nothing suspicious in t/logs/error_log

Once I get a 100% on both tests then I can worry about how to isolate the 
problem with the old pre-installed mod_perl messing up the tests as 
originally reported.

Haroon Rafique

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