Jack Nerad wrote:
Thanks for your reply. I really appreciate your time, so I'll keep it brief.

Stas Bekman wrote:

Jack Nerad wrote:

From December 2002. I saw no response to this message. Have things stabilized enough yet that there is documentation for these things?

There is a dynamic tool helping to figure out what's available: http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/api/ModPerl/MethodLookup.html

Thanks. That is better than nothing. :) Does the interface change much for Apache::RequestRec?

I think this one is pretty stable, but others may still change.

The real documentation is slowly being added. Someone has to do that and with no volunteers to help it'll take a long time to have it completed.

Do you mean to say that nobody is paying a technical writer for this project? ;)

Technical writer? You must be kidding ;)

Okay... I'll put my money where my mouth is. If there's somebody I can pester for information, I'll put together some documentation. I'm familiar with LaTeX, TeXInfo, perldoc, and I think I can figure out how to use DocBook, if you'd rather use that. I'm also a sold Perl programmer (though not of the same caliber as the m_pH's) so if there's any source in Perl, I could probably figure things out, given a hint or two. Let me know.

Fantastic. We really need volunteers to help with the docs (at least manpages).

The infrastructure is all there. We use pod and everything gets glued together by DocSet. You can find more info here:

there are a few bits of the Apache::RequestRec manpage
This doc is converted from pod.

So get yourself familiar with the infrastructure, but don't do anything just yet. We have planned a bulked import of documentation bits from the Apache C header files, but it's incomplete. Seeing that it's not getting anywhere and hearing no news from Gerald Richter, I think I'll just go ahead and import whatever we have. And then everybody can chime in and help polish the docs.

Sounds like a plan?

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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