I put together notes on how I was porting this module:
I hope you find it useful.

I've posted earlier the link to the ported module:
The document above doesn't include all the fixes that this package includes. I've included only the relevant to porting notes.

However after porting, I've learned that my CPAN.pm fetched not the latest version, so I hope that someone will sync my changes with the latest one.

Finally as Clemens Schrimpe pointed out in a private email, there are still a few issues to resolve, i.e. sending non-parsed ICY headers. I'll look into it some time later.

One finaly thing that I'll attempt to do is to make the C<Apache::MP3> module work with both mod_perl versions, using a single codebase. I'll keep you posted.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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