Hi there,

(Replying to off-list post just this once:}

On 6 Jun 2003, K Old wrote:

> Mandrake 9.0 (and several other linux distros) come out of the box with
> Perl 5.8.0 built with threads.

Ah.  For some reason I was thinking you'd built the Perl yourself.

> I'm guessing that having Perl compiled with threads might be what's
> causing the problem

So are you telling me you built Apache and mod_perl but you didn't
build the Perl?  That could be a problem.  The standard advice is
that the same compiler must be used to build Perl and mod_perl. 

> Just this afternoon I build Apache::Request without any problems on
> an RH 7.3 box with Perl 5.6.1 compiled without threads.

Nothing wrong with 5.6.1 if you can use that.


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