On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 15:19, Issac Goldstand wrote:
> No - this is at startup.  It's also, to the best of my knowledge, the *only*
> way to push handlers onto a dynamic URL (eg, where the URL is a variable) -
> which is what I'm trying to do.

I was referring to the $r->push_handlers method which you can use when
handling a request.

> This worked fine when it was just:
> PerlHeaderParserHandler => __PACKAGE__."::some_handler";
> Now, I'm realizing it should be something more akin to:
> PerlHeaderParserHandler => ref($self)."->some_method";
> But even that's not working...

That doesn't look like the syntax in the docs:

Or here:

If you really want an object method and not a class method, you need to
do something like this:

PerlHeaderParserHandler => sub {
         my $r = shift;

I never use Apache::ReadConfig, so my syntax could be off, but hopefully you get the 

- Perrin

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