On Tue, 10 Jun 2003, Mustafa Tan wrote:

> Hi,
> I was trying to setup Apache (with mod_perl and
> mod_ssl) on Windows ME, and I had a weird problem.
> Before the problem, let me talk about more about some
> details. I have installed Apache from
> http://perl.apache.org/dist/win32-bin/. I installed
> the perl 5.6 version, which is perl-win32-bin.exe.
> THis file contains Perl 5.6 and Apache 1.3.27. It also
> contains mod_perl and mod_ssl.
> After installation I did not use the perl that the
> package came with. I used my ActivePerl (which is
> 5.6), because I already installed lots of packages
> there and there is no difference anyway.
> In my previous installation of Perl (activeperl) I had
> mod_perl installed, however that mod_perl was not for
> eapi, so I removed it and installed the one for eapi
> from the canadian web site. I installed
> mod_perl-eapi.ppd.
> http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppmpackages/
> So anyway, I had mod_perl setup for perl and apache.
> I configured my apache so that it listens both on 443
> for secure connections and 80 too.
> Now, let me talk about how I use mod_perl for my site.
> I use AuthCookieURL for authentication and
> authorization. What I do is essentially, get the
> user's name and password in a page and then authorize
> the user for the other pages. This works fine, until I
> used mod_ssl for secure connections.
> When I tested the apache, it works just fine for port
> 80. However, it doesn't work very well, on port 443.
> The second request to the https port crashes Apache.
> Now as far I as I understood the second request
> crashes the child process. I am not sure about the
> internals of Apache. What happens is that, the first
> request is always fine, only the second request
> crashes the server. The child process dies, Apache
> parent process creates the child process again and
> then everything works fine again until the next 2
> requests, except of course I have to press Ok to
> shutdown the Apache's error box. That is the error
> does prevent me using Apache for secure connections.

I'm not really sure why this happens, but it might be
worth trying to track down if it's a problem with
AuthCookieURL particularly, or is a symptom of a
more general problem.

Does this crash occur only when you've used AuthCookieURL? Or
does it generally occur with other, or no, login methods?
Do you load any Apache modules (eg, php) that you could try
disabling, to see if they're contributing to the problem?
What about Perl modules - are you loading, in particular,
any XS based modules that you could temporarily do without
to see if that makes a difference?

Is it easy to test your setup with Apache::AuthCookie - does
that work?

Might you happen to have any openssl dlls lying around your
system other than the ones that came with the distribution?

best regards,
randy kobes

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