"Hector Pizarro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> If the user closes the popup in the middle of an upload, Apache::Request
> parse() isn't throwing any error, and all the following code in my module
> savesthe file incomplete in the system, which of course is garbage data.
> Is this a bug, an incomplete feature, or is my configuration? 

It's probably a bug in c/apache_multipart_buffer.c.  We may not
do error-checking well enough on fill_buffer().

> If parse is supposed to return an error code, which one is that? 206 =

No, that's not an error code.  Since the error here seems
to arise from ap_get_client_block, $r->status should probably
be -1.

> Ok, now let's suppose that this error is fixed. 

With a patch, I hope ;-).

> I want to do several uploads fromthe same popup at once, so I have 5
> file boxes in the form. If the user closesthe popup before the process
> ends, i'd like to save only the completed files, how could I check
> which files are correctly uploaded, and which ones are incomplete?

You could just ignore the final upload object, which has no "-> next"

  for (my $u = $req->upload; $u && $u->next; $u = $u->next) {
    # do something with $u 

Joe Schaefer

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