--- Ged Haywood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Mithun Bhattacharya wrote:
> > I have a choice between the very well tested 7.3 but highly likely
> > to become unsupported by RedHat soon. Or I could go for RedHat 9.0

Ohh no no one is using RedHat support it is just the fact that most of
the administrators are used to RedHat and I am not going to be
maintaining the servers in the long run therefore I wanted them to have
something they know their way around.

I want something which they can manage on their own, they can upgrade
without breaking everything down - and ending up ruining my happiness
:). I do a minimal install for the servers anyway other than kernel and
perl they wont have much else to worry about. Ofcoure RedHat 7.3 has
the notorious gcc 2.96 - no body has been able to figure out whether it
is actually broken or not I guess :).

> Do you actually need or use RH support?  I'm not saying that there's
> anything wrong with it, but by the time you've a few years of Linux
> experience under your belt it's unlikely you'll need much more than
> the odd security patch - and you'll be able to deal with that sort of
> thing easily, even if it means installing a new kernel.

The problem with ease of maintenance is that I need to give something
which will have patches coming out for it for atleast a year - with the
way new versions are poping up with all the distros I guess it is a
dream for the time being.


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