Hi Nigel,

I had the same question three month ago.
There are a few sources which compare the different modules. See
mod_perl guide.

My solution is now mod_deflate 1.0.18 with apache 1.3.27.

My configuration in httpd.conf is:

# activate compress
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
# main switch
        DeflateEnable           on
        DeflateMinLength        1024
        DeflateCompLevel        8
# compress over proxies
        DeflateProxied          on
# switch off MSIE 4.x - has bugs
        DeflateDisableRange     "MSIE 4."
# experimentell - for uploads
        DeflateVary             on
#       DeflateHTTP             1.1             # default
# activate for HTTP 1.0
        DeflateHTTP             1.0
#       DeflateTypes            text/html       # default
# add more content types for compression
        DeflateTypes            text/css
        DeflateTypes            text/plain
        DeflateTypes            text/rtf
        DeflateTypes            text/xml
        DeflateTypes            text/javascript
        DeflateTypes            image/vnd.dwg
        DeflateTypes            image/vnd.dxf
        DeflateTypes            application/msword
        DeflateTypes            application/vnd.hp-HPGL
        DeflateTypes            application/vnd.ms-access
        DeflateTypes            application/vnd.ms-excel
        DeflateTypes            application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
        DeflateTypes            application/vnd.ms-project
        DeflateTypes            application/vnd.visio
        DeflateTypes            application/x-javascript
# pdf does no work
#       DeflateTypes            application/pdf

I hope that helps you.


Am Die, 2003-07-01 um 17.02 schrieb Slava Bizyayev:
> Apache::Dynagzip is not supposed to work on Apache-2.
> That would be of my real interest to know as many details of Bill's
> experience with mod_deflate as he can provide.
> Thanks,
> Slava
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Nigel Hamilton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Bill Marrs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 9:56 AM
> Subject: Re: Best compression for mod_perl application?
> > HI Bill,
> >
> > mod_gzip gave me a lot of grief when I used it - spurious errors
> > kept filling the log and it didn't work easily with SSL. I spent a day
> > trying to configure a nasty proxy solution.
> >
> > Apache::DynaGZIP has been much less hassle to install and run and
> > it works with SSL. Although, I have not tried it on Apache 2.
> >
> > Kind Rehards,
> >
> > NIgel
> >
> >
> > --
> > Nigel Hamilton
> > Turbo10 Metasearch Engine
> >
> > email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > tel: +44 (0) 207 987 5460
> > fax: +44 (0) 207 987 5468
> >
> ____________________________________________________________________________
> ____
> > http://turbo10.com Search Deeper. Browse Faster.
> >
> >

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