The other odd problem I got was that if anywhere in my perl code I printed nothing (e.g. print "" or $foo="";print $foo), I'd get this error:

error: 20014:Error string not specified yet at /my/perl/ line 123

This error was both blurted to the error_log and to the web page (screwing up the page and truncating further output).

I changed my code to print " " instead of "" (HTML ignores extra white-space, so no biggie), and the errors all went away. So, I see this as an annoyance more than a serious bug.

if you're using mod_perl for your perl script, it might be a mod_perl issue an not mod_deflate - try the same from a mod_cgi script and see if it has the same problem. if not, we probably need to dig around mod_perl core for a fix.


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