Adi Fairbank wrote:
On, or in the near vicinity of Mon, 14 Jul 2003 18:49:58 +0300
Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has thus written:

Probably the best bet is to give it some cool unique name, like Apache::AdiChat and then you are all set, since you are not going to take over
What's wrong with "WebMessaging" ?  Do you foresee that interfering with some
future software in the Apache:: namespace, or is it just too generic?  I thought
it was a good name since it accurately describes what it is: not webmail, not
instant messaging, but web messaging.  (basically, it's like those message boxes
you get on a stock trading website when you login to your account)

James has gone into a detailed reply why this could be a bad idea. I'd just add that it's very hard to choose a good name for a module. And it seems that unique k001 names never have such problems.

Perhaps you can have a unique name for your application and in the future you will extract a framework from it, making your app use it and allowing other apps to do the same. So with time you will see whether Apache::WebMessaging is a good name and whether it fits well into the scope of what it's supposed to do.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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