
I'm trying to store data about a user who has authenticated in
$r->pnotes so that a perl logging phase handler can stick the user_id in
the db. I call $r->pnotes('keyname' => 'somevalue'); in an apache
registry script, and then call $r->pnotes('keyname') in the logging
handler later on during the logging phase, but am getting nothing back.
No errors, just undef. I've tried notes too, and no luck their either.
I'm using Apache::Request btw. I've also tried retreiving a tied hash
using $r->pnotes() and there are no key/values in that either.

Is it possible to use pnotes to pass data from an Apache::Registry
script to a handler? Perhaps thats the prob - didn't find anything that
said otherwise.

Did I forget to compile apache or mod_perl with an option of some sort?
I can't think of any other explanation. I compiled mod_perl with



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