>Is there a way to get the list of available cookies from Apache::ASP
>or mod_perl?

Now I am not the most expert at mod_perl, still a newbie myself

Here's how i have done i when i needed to see the whole list to find out what was 
going on with a cookie not working

use Apache::Cookie;
my %allcookies = Apache::Cookie->fetch;

This will give you all the cookies the browser sends for the URL.
You can get the list through 'keys %allcookies', test for the presence of a cookie 
with 'exists $allcookies{'somestring'}'

Apache::Cookie comes with Apache::Request in libapreq, if i recall correctly (someone 
will correct me if i am wrong)

-- Iphigenie, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 19/07/2003

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