Title: Re: Application design patterns

Perrin Harkins wrote:
> The biggest thing the article didn't cover is the ideas
> used by the guys coding the more interactive parts of the
> application to express the state machine implemented by
> each of their modules in a declarative data structure.
> This was largely invented by Adam Sussman, who is at
> TicketMaster now.  It was similar to what you see in
> CGI::Application and some of the other frameworks.

Has anyone written an article on it?

Or is this still in the domain of: go read the CGI::Application code and sort it out for yourself?

This is a topic I've been wondering about recently. I don't have a background in CS. So, I always wonder when tempted to head off into the books... whether or not the return-on-investment will justify the time I could have spent kludging something together that's good enough.

I've noted a few FSM modules on CPAN:


After sifting through google searches I turned up the following article:

Essay on Web State Machines by Charles Stross

Interactive Web Applications Based on Finite State Machines

Garrett Goebel
IS Development Specialist

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