I followed the thread :
While using module AuthCookieLDAP based on AuthCookie I got exactly the same error:

Use of uninitialized value.
[Wed Jul 23 16:25:54 2003] [error] [client] Can't locate object
method "auth_type" via package "Apache::Connection" at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Apache/AuthCookie.pm line 182.!, referer:

I am trying to Authenticate HTTP connection to an openldap Server, using AuthCookie and AuthCookieLDAP, both written for apache 1.3.X and mod_perl 1.X. Here I use Apache 2.0.40 and mod_perl-1.99_07-5 (which is supposed to be mod_perl 2.0 I understood !?) on a RedHat 9 system.
Although I added "PerlModule Apache::compat" and "PerlOptions +GlobalRequest" in httpd.conf , I still get the above mentioned error :-(

Any help ?

PS: The author of AuthCookie is about to port its module to mod_perl 2.0, maybe that would solve the problem, but when, and why doesn't it work now with Apache::compat ?

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