> Mike P. Mikhailov wrote:
> > Hello Michael,
> > 
> > Wednesday, July 30, 2003, 7:32:23 AM, you wrote:
> > 
> > M> I have a web application for that needs to execute a privileged 
> > M> command on its host for administrative purposes. Can someone suggest a
> > M> good solution that will allow 'nobody' to execute the script command
> > M> but still keep it secure from other users on the same host.
> > 
> > M> Thanks.
> > 
> > You may start internal separate process with priveleges as required
> > for your tasks and talk with him from apache unpriveleged process to
> > do privileged job.
> That and Lincoln Stein wrote a tpj article: "Safely Empowering Your CGI 
> Scripts" back in Summer 1998:
> http://www.foo.be/docs/tpj/issues/vol3_2/tpj0302-0006.html
> Of course you will probably want to use a more modern library to do the job, 
> e.g. IPC::Run.

Thanks guys.


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