Hello Rod Brick,

Thursday, July 31, 2003, 3:01:57 PM, you wrote:

RB> I'm trying to write for a file from a mod_perl script.  I can write
RB> successfully to a file located in /tmp, but I cannot write to
RB> the dir containing the script, nor to the apache logs dir.  How can
RB> this be accomplished?  Is there a setting in httpd.conf that I
RB> need to specify?  Is it a file permissions problem?  I don't want to
RB> make the script dir world read/writable.  Would the Apache::Log
RB> interface allow me to write to my own file?  My code looks something
RB> like the following:

open(LOG, ">>>/usr/local/apache/htdocs/aws/perl/rod.log") || print
RB> "script.pl: Can't write to log file.";
RB> print LOG "hello\n";
RB> close LOG

RB> I'm running mod_perl 1.27 and Apache 1.3.27 on Mandrake Linux.  Any
RB> help would be greatly appreciated.

RB> Rod Brick

I'm pretty sure -- this is a permission problem. You could check $!
to see the source of the problem and print it to STDERR instead of
STDOUT which under mod_perl is tied to client socket (of couse if you
want to see message in the error log).

open(...) || print STDERR "Some problem to open: $!\n";

Depends of you apache/mod_perl setup it's quite possible that your apache
processes run under user which has no privileges to write into

WBR, Mike P. Mikhailov

ICQ:    280990142

Those who learn from history are doomed to have it repeated to them anyway.

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