On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 07:33:49AM -0700, Stas Bekman wrote:
> Martin Wickman wrote:


> oops, sorry. Can you try with the latest cvs?

Not at the moment. But I'll try in a few days.

> Your particular problem report was fine, what you have missed is the output 
> of t/REPORT which tells us things about your environment. I can't see it 
> here
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=apache-modperl&m=105968263417468&w=2

Sorry, my deb package dont have the t/ stuff.


> In any case, have you tried using the snooping filter I was talking about 
> in my previous reply? It shows you exactly what's going on inside.

It confirms my problems. Here is output:

>>> connection output filter
    o bucket 1: FLUSH []

>>> connection output filter
    o bucket 1: FLUSH []

>>> connection output filter
    o bucket 1: FLUSH []

>>> connection output filter
    o bucket 1: TRANSIENT 
[<html><head> TITLE </head><body> BODY</html>]

And here is the code that generates this:

  sub handler {
      my $r = shift;

      $r->print ("<html><head> TITLE </head>");
      $r->print ("<bo");
      $r->print ("dy> BODY");
      $r->print ("</html>");
      return Apache::OK;

For the record, I am able to cut up a stream nicely using mod_cutup
[1]. This results in something like:

>>> connection output filter
    o bucket 1: TRANSIENT
    o bucket 2: TRANSIENT
    o bucket 3: TRANSIENT
<!-- sd]
    o bucket 4: TRANSIENT
[sd -->


Which at least proves that the snoop filter is working as expected :-)

Anyway, I'll try with the latest mod_perl version as soon as time
allows and post my results later.

[1] http://projects.standblue.net/markive/message.moto?list=apachemodules&ID=771

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