Hello again,

On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Hodge, Jeff F (ECIII) wrote:

> My directories look exactly like that.


>  First I went to the apache directory and ran the configure to enable DSO.

Do you have any particular reason for using DSO?  IMHO it's usually
more trouble than it's worth.  I always build static if I can.  Also I
like a file 'makepl_arg.mod_perl' in the mod_perl source directory to
supply the configuration.  Sample attached.  Then you just have to say

perl Makefile.PL

in the mod_perl directory and everything is set up for you.  Then you
can repeat it whenever you like: just remove the source directories,
extract the sources fresh, copy the makepl_args.mod_perl file, and
issue the perl Makefile.PL command again.

> How does root user affect things?

People have had problems with permissions getting a little screwy,
and it's safest to do builds as non-root in case there's an accident.

> I need Apache::request and DBD::mysql  rsn

Get Apache and mod_perl running first.  There shouldn't be any
problemn with the rest.

> I repeated my build/install steps....  interesting.  its failing a
> test; output: (I'm fairly sure this wasn't the result the other day):
> Failed 1 test script out of 667, 99.85% okay.

It could be worth following the instructions to try to pin that down.

> btw - what is 73?

Morse code shorthand.  Long time ago.  It means "best wishes."


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