FastMail.FM (, one of the world's leading e-mail
services, is hiring an expert Perl programmer to become a Web Application
Developer. In this very attractive senior position, you can work flexible
hours, telecommute, and develop your skills as part of a small but very
experienced programming team. You will be primarily responsible for
creating "cool new stuff" for the FastMail.FM web interface - no meetings
with marketing to attend, no "team building exercises" to get dragged
along to..., you'll be just *writing* *code* !

To join our team, you will need to be an expert in Perl, object-oriented
programming, and Web development. Ideally, you will have substantial
experience with mod_perl in a production environment. As a committed
programmer, you should be able to show us an impressive portfolio of your
work, such as in open source projects, contributing to the Perl
community, or developing new frameworks in a commercial context.

Since you will be telecommuting, geographic location is not important.
However, you will need good written English skills to communicate with
the team over IRC and email. You will also need to be able to demonstrate
a high degree of discipline and commitment to complete projects on time.

Salary is negotiable -- tell us what you think you're worth!

Send your application to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please send us your resume,
examples of work that you have done, links to your involvement with
programming communities, references (so that we can talk to people that
you have worked with), and anything else that will make you stand out
from the crowd.

We will monitor the mailing list and answer any questions that come up of
general interest.

Looking forward to seeing your application,
  Jeremy and Rob

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