Hello everyone,

I've set mod_perl up with Apache::DBI on several servers, both with
mod_perl from RPM's and building it myself, but I am having a horrible
time with a new server I've just built.  Go easy, I'm still new at it,
though.  And I welcome any and all constructive criticism for my config
files, etc.

Here are the specs:  RH 7.3, mod_perl 1.2.6 from RPM, Apache::DBI 0.92,
DBI 1.37.

Now, here's what I'm defining in httpd.conf:
<snip httpd.conf>
<IfModule mod_perl.c>
    Alias /perl /var/www/perl
    <Directory /var/www/perl>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::Registry
        Options +ExecCGI

#PerlHandler     HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
PerlSetVar MasonCompRoot /var/www/html/mason
PerlSetVar MasonDataDir /var/mason
PerlSetVar MasonAllowGlobals $dbh
#PerlAddVar MasonAllowGlobals $session
#PerlAddVar MasonAllowGlobals %session
#PerlAddVar MasonAllowGlobals $sys
#PerlSetVar MasonRequestClass MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession
#PerlSetVar MasonSessionClass Apache::Session::File
#PerlSetVar MasonSessionDirectory /tmp/sessions
#PerlSetVar MasonSessionLockDirectory /tmp/sessions
PerlSetEnv DBI_TRACE "3=/tmp/dbitrace.log"
PerlRequire /etc/httpd/conf/startup.pl
#PerlModule Apache::DBI
AddType text/html .mhtml
AddType text/html .mason
<Location /mason>
        SetHandler      perl-script
        PerlHandler     HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
        Options +ExecCGI

</snip httpd.conf>

Here's my startup.pl:

<snip startup.pl>
use warnings;
use strict;

# Extend @INC if needed
#use lib qw(/dir/foo /dir/bar);
use lib qw(/var/www/html/mason/lib);
use lib qw(/var/www/html/mason/hrtime/lib);

use vars qw($dbh %session);

# Make sure we are in a sane environment.
$ENV{MOD_PERL} or die "not running under mod_perl!";

# For things in the "/perl" URL
use Apache::Registry;
#$KO::server_root = "/var/www/html/mason/db";
#use KO::DBI::Connect qw(:all);
# Load Perl modules of your choice here
# This code is interpreted *once* when the server starts
use LWP::UserAgent ();
#use Apache::DBI ();
use DBI();

# Tell me more about warnings
use Carp();
$SIG{__WARN__} = \&Carp::cluck;

# Load CGI.pm and call its compile() method to precompile 
# (but not to import) its autoloaded methods.

use CGI ();

# Initialize the database connections for each child
    PrintError => 1, # warn() on errors
    RaiseError => 0, # don't die on error
    AutoCommit => 1, # commit executes immediately

</snip startup.pl>

What's happening is that with "use Apache::DBI" uncommented in either
the httpd.conf or startup.pl Apache does not start.  This is what
error_log reports:

[Thu Aug 14 14:59:49 2003] [notice] Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) 
(Red-Hat/Linux) mod_ssl/2.8.7 OpenSSL/0.9.6b DAV/1.0.3 PHP/4.1.2
mod_perl/1.26 mod_throttle/3.1.2 configured -- resuming normal
[Thu Aug 14 14:59:49 2003] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper:
[Thu Aug 14 14:59:49 2003] [notice] Accept mutex: sysvsem (Default:
[Fri Aug 15 10:08:43 2003] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down

When I try to pull up anything the connection is refused (because the
server is down).

I've just been commenting and uncommenting stuff until it worked.  The
weird thing is that there are no real error messages from mod_perl in
the apache logs.

Can anyone help?

Reporting bugs: http://perl.apache.org/bugs/
Mail list info: http://perl.apache.org/maillist/modperl.html

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