I think you need to wrap it in a files block.  The location block is
sending all files to the perl handler.

I had this problem, except it was trying to execute all of my non-perl

Inside location, put something like 

<Location /b>
<FilesMatch "\.(pl|pm|cgi)$">
... your mod_perl configs here ....

--- Bill Rini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's a little snippet from a sample script:
> package MyApache::MyPackage;
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use Apache::RequestRec ();
> use Apache::RequestIO ();
> use Apache::DBI;
> use APR::Table;
> use Apache::Const qw(OK REDIRECT DECLINED);
> use Apache::RequestUtil ();
> sub handler {
> my $r = shift;
> my $current_uri = $r->uri;
> my $content_type = $r->content_type;
> my @fields = split(/\//, $current_uri);
> # Let's see if the file exists first
> return Apache::DECLINED unless !-e $r->filename;
> # other stuff happens past this point but this is enough to document
> the 
> problem.
> }
> Here's my the relevant settings in my config file:
>   <Location /b>
>         PerlSendHeader On
>         SetHandler perl-script
>         PerlHandler MyApache::MyPackage
>   </Location>
> OK, so this is set up as a PerlResponseHandler on a virtual server.
> When the 
> handler is invoked, it loads the page (a php page) but doesn't parse
> it in 
> PHP before displaying to the browser. I just get back the raw php
> code. 
> Actually, this is somewhat misleading. On Opera it displays the code.
> In IE 
> it asks me whether or not I want to download it or open it. When I
> remove 
> the handler config in the conf files Apache handles it just as it
> should (it 
> parses the php correctly) but with the handler in there when I go to 
> http://localhost/b/b.php I get.
> <?php
> print "Hello World";
> ?>
> instead of the actual printing out of "Hello World".  Here's the
> results 
> from a telnet session:
> GET /b/b.php HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost
> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 19:54:02 GMT
> Server: Apache/2.0.47 (Unix) mod_perl/1.99_09 Perl/v5.8.0
> mod_ssl/2.0.47 
> OpenSSL/0.9.7a DAV/2 PHP/4.3.2
> Last-Modified: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 10:45:31 GMT
> ETag: "21c229-3f-ef2ea8c0"
> Accept-Ranges: bytes
> Content-Length: 63
> Content-Type: application/x-httpd-php
> <?php
> print "Hello World";
> ?>
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> When I've telneted into the the machine and called the file directly
> it 
> seems that the proper content type is being set but in the browser
> (as 
> mentioned above) IE reports the content-type as blank (there's a null
> value 
> in the popup box for content-type when it asks me to download or open
> the 
> file). No errors appear in the log files.
> Now, I know it's executing because it actually processes the code
> below that 
> line which ends in a redirect.  But if I try to exit the handler
> because 
> it's not the correct type of request it seems to mess up the proper
> handling 
> of php and html files.  Image files seem to appear correctly but that
> may be 
> the browser compensating or reading the encoding type.
> Of course, if anybody has an easier suggestion on what I'm trying to
> do:
> I want the document root directory to be handled by the
> PerlResponseHandler 
> (i.e. Location /). For specific types of requests I would like the
> above 
> handler to look up some information in the database and return the
> info 
> dynamically. The only time I don't want that to happen is if the file
> already exists OR it's pointing to a directory that exists that has a
> default document type in it (ie index.html or index.php). Everything
> else I 
> want the handler to do something special with.
> So, for instance, if I have the following files:
> /index.html
> /somefile.html
> /somedir/index.html
> /somedir/somefile2.html
> Any request to:
> http://localhost/
> http://localhost/index.html
> http://localhost/somefile.html
> http://localhost/somedir/
> http://localhost/somedir/index.html
> http://localhost/somedir/somefile2.html
> Should all just be handled normally. But if I get a request for:
> http://localhost/abc/def/
> or
> http://localhost/somedir/abcdef
> I want the above perl handler to parse the uri and do
> something different (directories /abc/def and /abcdef/ would not
> actually exist).
> TIA for any help on this.
> Bill
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