Hi Stas,

Thanks for the help. Changing it to the PerlTransHandler did the trick. The weird part about it (to me) is that I was basically extending some code I had written about 2 years ago for a client and just changing the functionality around some. The "meat" of the program was pretty much the same except my datastructures are a little different and instead of delegating errors to my own custom code I just wanted them to default to the what was configured in the server settings. Obviously that was on mp1 and Apache 1.x but it worked perfectly under that and the only mods I had made to the mp2 version was the headers_out stuff and some minor compatibility tweaks. Oh well. I guess I'll be a little more careful reading the mod_perl docs this time around :-)



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From: Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Strange mod_perl2/Apache2 behavior -- I think
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 14:21:54 -0700

 <Location /b>
       PerlSendHeader On
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlHandler MyApache::MyPackage
I want the document root directory to be handled by the PerlResponseHandler (i.e. Location /). For specific types of requests I would like the above handler to look up some information in the database and return the info dynamically. The only time I don't want that to happen is if the file already exists OR it's pointing to a directory that exists that has a default document type in it (ie index.html or index.php). Everything else I want the handler to do something special with.

You probably want to write a PerlTransHandler, not a response handler if you are after dispatching. There are plenty examples in the books, perl.apache.org.

If you meant something else, please give us some more meat, your example lacks the logic that you may have the problem with.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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