e-mol Development Team wrote:
I have two servers running Apache 1.3.27 and mod_perl 1.27 both severs are
running identical httpd.conf and startup.pl configurations.  One is running
Perl 5.8.0 the other is running 5.6.1.  When I do the preloading of modules on
the 5.6.1 system all seems well and shared memory goes up while unshared
memory goes down.  On the 5.8.0 only the unshared memory goes up, similar to
if I did no preloading and just hit the pages that would cause the modules to
get loaded.

I am looking for ideas on why this may be. Does preloading not like new
versions of perl? Am I being a bonehead? Thank you in advance for any

Compare their build options?

perl-5.6.1 -V > 5.6.1
perl-5.8.0 -V > 5.8.0
diff -u 5.6.1 5.8.0

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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