I still don't have a mod_perl.so. There are no errors anywhere.
I'm using mod_perl 1.28 source. I'm running Apache 1.3.26 on Linux 2.4.18 (Slackware 8).
you only get a shared object file if you compile mod_perl as a DSO, which is not the default with mod_perl 1.28.
to check whether mod_perl is installed, try running
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -l
and check for mod_perl.c at the bottom.
if you want mod_perl as a dso use USE_DSO=1
besides the documentation on perl.apache.org you can find additional installation instructions at

Nope. :-( That has probably gotten me closer (it's trying to compile as a DSO now) but I'm still not getting the libperl.so file. I see this in the output from make (these first two lines are the only references to libperl.so in the output from make):

rm -f libperl.so
cc -shared -L/usr/local/lib -o libperl.so mod_perl.lo perlxsi.lo perl_config.lo perl_util.lo perlio.lo mod_perl_opmask.lo Apache.lo Constants.lo ModuleConfig.lo Log.lo URI.lo Util.lo Connection.lo Server.lo File.lo Table.lo -rdynamic -L/usr/local/lib /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/auto/DynaLoader/DynaLoader.a -L/usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/CORE -lperl -lnsl -ldl -lm -lc -lcrypt -lutil
<=== src/modules/perl
<=== src/modules

That looks like it should be building libperl.so. There aren't any errors, I just still don't have a libperl.so. I'm now using the following line to configure it;

perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.26_modperl/ APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache EVERYTHING=1 USE_DSO=1 USE_APACI=1 APACI_ARGS='--enable-module=rewrite, --enable-module=info, --enable-module=expires, --disable-module=userdir' DO_HTTPD=1

That's taken more or less directly from the modperlcookbook.org chapter 1 that you gave me above.

This has me totally lost. I've never had something compile with no errors, but I don't get a file. If I don't get any errors, that usually means the file is there.



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