Randy Kobes wrote:

On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Steve Hay wrote:

PS. Randy: How do you that stacktrace output that you've
posted? Is that using MSVC++, or something else?

Hi Steve, I'm using MSVC++ ... When a problem like this occurs, an offer is made to call up the VC++ debugger, where the trace is then done. In order to get a more useful trace (with symbol information), I compiled Perl using some patches to perl-5.8.x/win32/Makefile that ActiveState introduced (http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Downloads/ActivePerl/Source). This patch enables debug symbols in release builds, and involves using '-Zi' in $(OPTIMIZE) and '-debug -opt:ref,icf' for $(LINK_DBG). With this, one gets .pdb files corresponding to compiled libraries, which hold the symbol information (I had to manually copy perl58.pdb [corresponding to perl58.dll] to C:\Perl\bin). The Apache/2.0.47 sources have this also enabled for the release build, by default, and building mod_perl as 'perl Makefile.PL ... MP_DEBUG=1' will enable them in mod_perl as well.

Sorry, I should have made my question more specific.

I've actually rebuilt Perl and Apache as full debug builds so I have all these .pdb files already. mod_perl gets them too because it inherits Perl's "debug build" mode.

My question was where in the DevStudio GUI do you get at the stacktrace that you posted, or how do you get DevStudio to dump it out for you? All I can find is a "Context" drop-down (in the panel showing variables' values) from which I have to manually copy down the information (hence I only posted a list of functions!) It doesn't look like you've done that!

- Steve

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