Hi Joachim,

On Sat, 11 Oct 2003, Joachim Feise wrote:

> >> on my Linux system (Slackware 9.0) Apache segfaults in mod_perl as 
> >> soon as it receives the first request.
> >> This started after I upgraded to Perl 5.8.1 (from 5.6.0).
> >> The Apache version is 1.3.28, mod_perl 1.29.

If it's of any interest, I just compiled Apache 1.3.28/mod_perl-1.29
static on a Slack9 box with the Perl 5.8.0 that came with Slack9.

There were no problems:
../apache_1.3.28/src/httpd -f `pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -X -d `pwd`/t &
httpd listening on port 8529
will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
letting apache warm up...\c
/usr/bin/perl5.8.0 t/TEST 0
All tests successful, 6 tests skipped.
Files=34, Tests=400, 27 wallclock secs (21.89 cusr +  2.08 csys = 23.97 CPU)
kill `cat t/logs/httpd.pid`
rm -f t/logs/httpd.pid
rm -f t/logs/error_log
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/mod_perl-1.29$ cat makepl_args.mod_perl 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/mod_perl-1.29$ 

I'd be happy to give it a spin with different configurations if you like.


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