Hi all,

I installed Apache 2.0.47 with php5 and mod_perl 1.99.11 on RH 7.2. Both php 
and mod_perl are compiled as so modules. When I access some script I got 
segmentation falut. I tryied to find out which line is problematic but it 
happens everytime at the different line. I have similar machine and 
configuration works well. I even copied binaries and I got the same problem. 
When I access the script httpd crashed. The only error I got is Segmentation 
fault printed to stderr (or stdout).. Btw. the same script works well on the 
other server where I already have Apache2 and mp2.

What do you suggest. Can I compile mod_perl 2 statically. I read somewhere 
that having both php and mod_perl as so modules may cause souch problems.. 
Should I reinstall perl. Currently I have perl 5.6.1 that came with RH 
distribution. I already tried to install perl 5.8 but had some problems with 
modules.. I don't want to install apache 1.3.x because I am doing some major 
site update and would like to keep configuration for one year at least (if 
not necessery)..


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