
The problem you are having may also just be Internet Explorer. If the browser is not set to check for newer versions of stored pages every time it goes to the page, it can show some _very_ odd behaviours. Here's how to verify what IE is doing:

1. Open IE.
2. Select the Tools->Internet Options menu (for all recent versions of IE -- older versions may omit the word Internet).
3. Under the Temporary Internet Files section, click Settings.

You will be presented with the options of Every visit to the page, Every time you start IE, Automatically, and Never. The default is Automatically, which doesn't work half the time. (There's an MS KB article about it, but I don't have the link handy.)

4.  Select Every visit to the page.
5.  Click OK.
6.  Click OK.
7.  Close all instances of IE.
8.  Open IE and test your script again.

Hope that helps.


Giovani M. Zaffari wrote:

Here's the script. I only hide the HTML portions.

I'm using:
Apache/2.0.44 (Unix) mod_perl/1.99_08 Perl/v5.8.0 PHP/4.3.1


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

$buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};

@pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);

foreach $pair (@pairs) {
   ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair,2);
   $value =~ tr/+/ /;
   $value =~ s/%(..)/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
   $FORM{$name} = $value;

#verify that the field was sent
if (defined($FORM{'referencia'})) {
   $referencia = $FORM{'referencia'}
} else {
   print "Location: SOME URL HERE\n\n";

# --------------- # set STDOUT HOT # --------------- { my $ofh = select STDOUT; $|++; select $ofh; }

print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";

$arq_produto = '/var/www/default/clientes/gecele/db/'.$referencia.'.txt';

open(FILE,"$arq_produto") || &error('ocorreu um erro ao ler o arquivo');

   $_ = <FILE>; # set the name of the obs file
   chop($_) if $_ =~ /\n$/;
   $arq_obs = '/var/www/default/clientes/gecele/db/'.$_;

   $_ = <FILE>; # set the name of the image path
   chop($_) if $_ =~ /\n$/;
   $path_imagem = $_;

   $_ = <FILE>; # set colors file
   chop($_) if $_ =~ /\n$/;
   $arq_cores = '/var/www/default/clientes/gecele/db/'.$_;

# continue until EOF

   while ($_ = <FILE>) {
       chop($_) if $_ =~ /\n$/;
       ($tmp_referencia,$tmp_tamanho) = split(/;/,$_,2);
       $referencia_tamanho{$tmp_referencia} = $tmp_tamanho;


# OBS file reading

open(FILE,"$arq_obs") || &error('ocorreu um erro ao ler o arquivo');

   $_ = <FILE>;
   chop($_) if $_ =~ /\n$/;
   $szObs = $_;


print <<'HTML_TAGS';

print '<td align="center"><img src="SOME URL'.$path_imagem.'" width="231"

print <<'HTML_TAGS';

$fCor = 0;

foreach $temp (sort(keys %referencia_tamanho)) {
   if ($fCor == 0) {
      print '<tr>',"\n";
      $fCor = 1;
   else {
      print '<tr bgcolor="#f0f0ef">',"\n";
      $fCor = 0;

   print '<td width="50%" valign="middle" class="texto2"> <input
type="checkbox" name="ref_',$temp,'" align="absmiddle">',"\n";

   $tmp_string = $temp;
   $tmp_string =~ s/_/\//g;
   $tmp_string = ucfirst($tmp_string);

   print $tmp_string.'</td>'."\n";
   print '<td width="1%" bgcolor="CECECD"></td>'."\n";

$tmp_string_tamanho = $referencia_tamanho{$temp};

   if ($tmp_string_tamanho eq 'null') {
      $tmp_string_tamanho = '';

   print '<td width="50%" align="center" valign="middle"
   print "</tr>\n";

print <<'HTML_TAGS'; ... ... ... HTML_TAGS

print $szObs,'</td>',"\n";

print <<'HTML_TAGS';


sub error { $error = shift(@_); print "Erro: $error"; exit(1); }


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ged Haywood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Giovani M. Zaffari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2003 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: Giovani - Problemas with RELOAD in MS Explorer

Hi there,

On Fri, 21 Nov 2003, Giovani M. Zaffari wrote:

Someone had a problem with the Reload / Refresh page using the mod_perl?


I have a script that runs ok only the first time (or when
it's not in the cache), but the second time some images disappear
and the browser stay in a loop trying do download them indefinitly.

You need to look at your script.  If you can reduce it to a few lines
which demonstrate your problem, feel free to post it here.  You should
also post a *lot* more information, such as what operating system you
are using, what versions of Apache and mod_perl etc.  Please read the
documentation on the mod_perl site first.


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