I'm running a web application under Apache::Register and mod_perl 1 --
using CGI::Application, Class::DBI and Template Toolkit.

I have a question on package globals.  My expectation is that each
instance of the Apache intrepeter will have its own copy of the package
I.e. in any given thread I can assign to a package variable and have it
be unchanged for the remainder of the request.  However I'm seeing weird
behavior that could be explained by the value changing.

I am extracting the currently logged in user from an encoded cookie in
my CGI::App code and setting a package variable value on every invocation:
   package TestApp;
   use base 'CGI::Application';
   use vars qw( $user );

   sub cgiapp_prerun
       my $self = shift;
       my $runmode = shift;
       $user = $self->query->cookie('user');

I want to keep the currently logged in user as a global because I have
Template toolkit callbacks to the Class::DBI object and they perform
authorization checks (e.g. an employee's ssn should not be visible to
other users):
   package Employee;
   use base 'Class::DBI::mysql';
    __PACKAGE__->set_db('Main', "dbi:mysql:test", $dbacct, $dbpw);
   sub ssn
       my $self = shift;
      return $self->name eq $TestApp::user ? $self->get('ssn') : "Private";

My users have seen instances where they see the private info of other users, as if the package var $user had been set to something other than themself.

I would expect $user to remain unchanged, even if another user hit the
website simultaneously -- their access would set $user of another thread.
Or am I missing something big (would the different apache children share
package globals???)

If my understanding is correct, then I've got a bug elsewhere in my
code.  I'm in the progress of migrating to modperl 2/Apache 2, so
comments on the same scenario in MP2 are of interest too...

--Mike Carlton

-- Reporting bugs: http://perl.apache.org/bugs/ Mail list info: http://perl.apache.org/maillist/modperl.html

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