Pringle, Chris (HP-PSG) wrote:

You will find a few comments regarding your code below:

sub handler {
# Get the filter object
my($f,$bb) = @_;

my $c = $f->c;

You probably don't need $c, you seem to be in the request filter...

        # Declare a buffer
        my($buffer) = "";
        my($scratch) = "";

        # Only done on the FIRST pass of the filter

                # Ensure there is a buffer variable in the filter
                $f->ctx({buffer => ''});

BTW, you don't need $f->ctx(1); if you then immediately set it to something else. Also you don't need that extra redirection, it'll be a bit faster to just store the buffer as is:

and change the condition to:

unless (defined $f->ctx)

and later on:

$f->ctx($buffer} if defined $buffer;

        # Read as much data as there is available and put it into
        while($f->read($scratch, BUFF_LEN))
                # If buffer > 500K print buffer and stop
                if(length($buffer) > 500000)
                        return Apache::DECLINED;
                        $buffer = $buffer . $scratch;

this will eat a lot of memory (though it'll be reused), better use .=.

% perl-5.8.3-ithread ~/bin/ '$chunk = "x" x 4096; my $buffer = ""; $buffer = $buffer . $chunk for 1..10'
resident : 124k
rss : 128k
share : 0k
size : 124k
vsize : 132k

% perl-5.8.3-ithread ~/bin/ '$chunk = "x" x 4096; my $buffer = ""; $buffer .= $chunk for 1..10'
resident : 44k
rss : 48k
share : 0k
size : 44k
vsize : 132k

Also it's much faster on the latest perls:

% perl-5.8.3 /tmp/append
          Rate concat append
concat  5244/s     --   -86%
append 38314/s   631%     --

there was not much difference in earlier perls (only about 7-105). I think there is some bug in 5.8.3.

Here is the benchmark I've used:

use Benchmark qw(:all) ;

my $chunk = "x" x 4096;

cmpthese(100000, {
    append  => \&append,
    concat  => \&concat,

sub append {
    my $buffer = '';
    for (1..10) {
        $buffer .= $chunk;

sub concat {
    my $buffer = '';
    for (1..10) {
        $buffer = $buffer . $chunk;

Remember that f->ctx doesn't copy anything, so if your code is efficient, the buffering up data won't an additional cost memory and time.

        # If this is the last bucket
                # Do some filtering here ....

        $f->ctx({ buffer => $buffer});

also you don't want to store anything on the last invocation (as it's of no use), so put it into the else branch:

if ($f->seen_eos) {
else {
  $f->ctx({ buffer => $buffer});

__________________________________________________________________ Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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