Nick Phillips wrote:
Thanks to all who responded; it looks like I may have misled myself about
what Apache::Test will let me do. I do however have another problem now --
when I 'perl Makefile.PL' for Apache::Test, it warns that it will remove
/usr/lib/perl5/Apache/ during the install. This is despite the fact
that I would be installing into site install dirs (/usr/local). Since the
stuff in /usr/lib/perl5 is managed by the vendor packaging system (in this
case I'm running Debian Woody, hence mod_perl 1.27), I'm extremely reluctant
to allow it to proceed and remove that file (such interaction is usually Bad,
in my experience).

Any top tips?

It does that due to several OSes with case-insensitive filesystems, where Apache/ and Apache/ (from older mod_perl can't co-exist). New mod_perl versions don't carry Apache/ any longer so it's not a problem (they carry a renamed Apache/ We have spent about a month trying different other solutions but unlinking the old file was the only workable solution. As more people migrate to the newer mp1 versions, the will become a thing of the past.

Really, what it does is the same as:

make install UNINST=1

with ExtUtils::MakeMaker.

But there could be something wrong with the code, since it shouldn't be able to find /usr/lib/perl5 if you run with perl from /usr/local. Can you try to patch it so this won't happen? You don't give much detail about what did you try so I can't tell whether it's a problem on your side or with the code.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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